Discover the Secret to Success in Your Family, Work and Ministry by Following the Biblical Call to Blend the Three Areas That Occupy All of Your Waking Hours...Your Family, Work and Ministry!

Integrating the God-given priorities of family, work, and ministry is the constant challenge faced by every father. In A Father's Stew, Stephen Beck has done us a great service by dealing biblically and practically with these issues.

Philip Lancaster, Patriarch Magazine

Date: January 25, 2010
From: Stephen Beck

Does Your Life Resemble a TV Dinner?

As Christian dads, are you trying to juggle all of the areas of a your life by squeezing them into separate compartments, but the slippery rascals just won't cooperate? And what happens when something is sealed up and you add a little pressure to it?

As Christian husbands and dads, we have been taught to compartmentalize our lives. To divide our lives into areas that we can contain and effectively manage. But what happens when we seal something up and add a little heat to it?

Can we be terribly surprised when one area in our life explodes and makes a mess on all the others?

Finally, someone has discovered that the Bible does NOT teach us to compartmentalize our lives, but to carefully BLEND the areas of family, work and ministry. Don't settle for a TV dinner, make a stew! A stew that is described in Philippians 4:18 as a sweet-smelling aroma, an acceptable sacrifice, well pleasing to God.

The problem: God holds Dads 100% responsible for the spiritual responsibility of your family

...but how can you do this when you are

  • struggling to out beans on the table
  • family devotions are non existent
  • you have no real ministry to speak of

It is hard. I understand. But you will be held responsible at the judgement seat of Christ!

I was just like you... and then something clicked!

Drawing upon my experiences of being a father to three children, owning a construction company for 17 years, starting an online business, discipling young men and fathers in the Church, I wanted to give a unique layman�s perspective to the challenges of integrating the three areas that so greatly impact our lives.

I wanted to write A Father's Stew so that other men don't have to make the same mistakes I did! Don't think it is too late, you can still blend these areas of life together!

What will you find in A Father's Stew?

You will find the "recipe" to creating....balance....stew...ingredients...

First Ingredient: Family - In an age where fathers are separated from their families for most of the day, how can we fulfill the Biblical mandate to train our children when "you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up" (Deuteronomy 6)?

Given our current culture, is it possible to integrate family, work and ministry in a Biblical manner? What is God's provision for raising godly children and what are our responsibilities?

Understand what God's vision for fathers is as I challenge you from the Scripture to balance the areas of family, work and ministry and to blend these three ingredients to form a godly stew, a sweet smelling aroma to God.

  • The Vision
  • The Bible as the Ultimate Authority in Every Area
  • Our Responsibility in Training Our Children in Godliness
  • The Obstacles to Training Our Children in Godliness
  • Some Practical Solutions Training Our Children in Godliness
  • The Vision Revisited
Second Ingredient: Work - Did God curse our work so that we can only slog through the day waiting to get home where the real ministry begins? Is there more to work than meets the eye? See that work may not be the problem - it may be the manner in which we work!

Many view work as a necessary obstacle that keeps us from our families and ministering to other people. But the Bible views work as a calling. Discover how our work can bless our families and our ministry and not rob from them!

  • Example of Solomon Regarding Our Work
  • The Average Christian's View of Work
  • The Resulting Damage from a Misunderstanding of Work
  • How God Views Work
  • Practical Applications for Viewing Work Biblically
Third Ingredient: Ministry - Why is the modern church in the state that it is? Why are we so confused as to what constitutes true biblical ministry? Why do we not see deep and lasting fruit? We have forgotten the great commission!

We must first disciple our children and then we must bring younger believers to maturity in Christ. In A Father's Stew, I give you practical ways to teach men not merely to survive in a hostile culture, but to train battle-ready soldiers who can cross enemy lines and take captives for our Lord Jesus Christ!

  • What Constitutes Biblical Ministry
  • God's Goal for Ministry
  • God's Method of Maturity
  • Practical Applications for Leading Men/Women to Maturity in Christ
  • The Charge
Stephen Beck doesn't just write about what it means for a father to lead his family---he's lived the life. And drawing from his experiences, he makes a passionate appeal for other men to take the steps necessary to better guide and serve their family.

Wesley Strackbein, Vision Forum, Inc.


Every young couple should read this book!

Laurie Bluedorn, Co-Author of Teaching the Trivium

Now before you think I am promising an instant answer
to all your problems in your family, work and ministry...
let me tell you what this book will NOT do!


  • It will not change your family in 7 days
  • It will not make you fall in love with your dead-end job
  • It will not transform you into a super-Christian over night
There is no book that can do that
(no matter what the author may promise!)

...But A Father's Stew will help you to:

  • See the Big Picture...what your life can look like when it aligns with the word of God.
  • Discover why work stinks and what you can do about it
  • Find alternatives to working a 9-5 job
  • Identify God's priorities for fathers and how to implement them
  • Learn to live with certainty and purpose
  • Turn your work into a calling


Click Here To Order A Father's Stew Today

Direct, biblical, meaty, but yet simple and without condemnation. Wow! I can hardly wait to see what else you've written.

Deborah Cariker, Eclectic Homeschool Online


Steve Beck mines Scripture to paint a biblical picture of our life--that God-pleasing aroma of Christ--as a stew: a mixture of family, work and ministry. Mr. Beck's humble, down-to-earth language of this heavenly plan has challenged me to deny the worldly tendency to view my life as a TV dinner, where every aspect of my life is a separate compartment to be walled off and shut down as I move into another area. God never meant it to be that way, and my life is really a stew: a mixture of responsibilities, faithfulness and obedience that when balanced, blend together to create a pleasing sacrifice to God.

Jim Bob Howard, Highlands Study Center


Stephen Beck has written a thought-provoking book that is sure to challenge Christian men and men who are considering becoming Christians. Christian wives will find inspiration and food-for-thought in A Father�s Stew, and could use the book as a springboard for discussion with Christian and non-Christian husbands who need a fresh look at priorities. A Father�s Stew will make an excellent book for Christian couples to combine with Bible study or devotions.

Martha Robinson, Homeschool

Christian fathers are busy! There is a lot of pressure to spend adequate time with our kids, do well in the workplace and finally, serve other believers and share the gospel. How do we do all this in a God-honoring way?

Changing Old Habits Takes Time and Your
Children are Not Getting Any Younger!

Order This Book TODAY and Begin Implementing These
Powerful Biblical Strategies Before It Is Too Late!!

Remember, you must work hard before the concrete is set. Don't put off learning and putting into practice these profound truths. Your Children are Depending On You!



Don�t wait any longer!!
Grab a copy A Father's Stew today so you can get your family, work & ministry
all headed in the right direction!!

I want to make this a "no-brainer" for you! I want to offer you bonuses that FAR outweigh the cost of the book...

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Balancing Family, Work and Ministry Audio MP3! This is the one hour talk that started the whole book! You can only hear this talk when I give it at speaking engagements. Now it is yours FREE as a way of saying thanks for buying my book!

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The greatest problem facing Christian dads today is NOT TAKING ACTION! Do not be one of those men. The Christian world has far too many already. Order A Father's Stew today and take the first step towards balancing your family, work and ministry in a biblical way.


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Stephen Beck

Stephen Beck